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Re: Moving the bug system to GNA....

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: Re: Moving the bug system to GNA....
Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 19:38:43 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; de; rv: Gecko/20110414 SUSE/3.1.10 Thunderbird/3.1.10

First off, I am not against moving the rest of the project over to GNA. Basing it on the FSF or the FSF-E is all the same to me. Although I know more of the European FSF people in person.
Having the bulk of GNUstep in one place sounds like a nice idea. We 
could go either way. What I didn't like about the original proposal was 
that we would loose all the older bug reports. I know, we don't "loose" 
them, they still would be on Savannah, but for me this is about the 
same. For me the bug tracking system is a very important tool and an 
interface to users. Having the older bug reports (open and closed) in a 
separate system would be an undesirable situation.
Doing a one-to-one move of the SVN repository should be very easy. And 
all that users would need to do is just one rebase per checkout.
I think, about the same would be true when we move the bug reports over. 
But please, don't let these older bug report rot in some unused system.

On 23.05.2011 19:02, Gregory Casamento wrote:
Hey guys... this isn't a direct response to Nicola, I'm just adding a
few more thoughts here.

Simply put we either need GNUstep to be on either savannah or GNA.
My concern about moving it back to savannah is that it would be
disruptive for anyone who has GNUstep currently checked out.
Additionally, I would argue that if we were to make a move back to
savannah then a wholesale rethought regarding how the repository is
currently structured is in order since the way it is now is somewhat

Later, GC

On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 11:00 AM, Nicola Pero
<address@hidden>  wrote:
I simply would like to have things in one place.   Right now we're
spread between GNA and Savannah.
It sounds like a good idea - I support it.

But, I would recommend that:

  * we put up extensive announcements on the web site, mailing list, etc.

  * we try to migrate over the open bugs.  I had a quick look in Savannah,
and you can export
all the bugs as an XML blob.  So presumably, you'd export them in that
format, then write a short
script to import them all into the new one (using wget or curl ?).  Unless
GNA allows you to import
them in block, or the GNA developers are willing to help. :-)

  * if there's nothing left in savannah, it may be worthwhile putting notices
there pointing people to the GNA


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