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Re: [Gzz] Coordinates, shape

From: Benja Fallenstein
Subject: Re: [Gzz] Coordinates, shape
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 11:53:07 +0200
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Tuomas Lukka wrote:

Ok, so what do we do about the current killer problems:
- text aspect ratio

Avoid it for the demos

Um, in that case I'd rather do the storing w and h crude fix now. As I stated before, what I really want currently is getting the GL client to work, in order to have a working Gzz on my machine. The current text makes it unusable.

Besides, when you show a zz view in the demos, it'll look horrible if the text is that wrong (at least the dimension's text you can't avoid).

- clipping

Use the stencil buffer, and normal OpenGL clipping, with OpenGL state
put in.

That doesn't answer the question. Where (code-wise) and what do we clip?

On a mildly related note, how are connections supposed to be done in GL? We need to make connections work relatively soon.

If all the coordsys stuff were working, we'd just put the two coordsystems
of the end points to it. However, since we want rotations and will do them
in nasty ways, we'll probably just have separate coordsys for the ends
of the connections.

But how do we draw the connection? I know how to draw something in the first coordsys, but I have no idea how to draw a line between the first and second coordsys of a vob.

Also, what to do about text scaled to a small size? In GL, currently it quickly becomes antialiased into a uniform grey mess. How will we make it legible?

How small do you mean?

As small as normal text in a PUI, and 1 or 2pt smaller.

One of the problems is mipmapping: the characters
get blurred because making a large character and then downsampling
gives a blurry small character.

The solution is given in TODO.


- Benja

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