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Re: [Social-discuss] PHP-Based GNU Social structure

From: Carlo von Loesch
Subject: Re: [Social-discuss] PHP-Based GNU Social structure
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 19:17:13 +0200 (CEST)

Just comparing some semantic web thinking vs. wire protocol design

Melvin Carvalho typeth:
| *1) The Nodes
| *I'd use a global URI for this, e.g. FOAF marked up in RDFa.  This would
| mean my profile would be and you'd have a tag
| something like <div typeof="Person" about="#me"> would probably be
| sufficient to give you a permanent node in the social graph.

My "URI" is psyc:// although I don't consider myself a
resource. If you want to know who my friends are you get a list of URIs
in a list data structure. That's practical, because you don't have
to extract it from some document.

| *2) The Message Semantics
| *
| This will typically describe the data involved in something like a status
| update, private message, wall post, friend request etc, from one node to
| another.  A key element to make this portable is to allow the semantics to
| be marked up with a global namespace

PSYC does not have problems with namespaces as long as you follow the
rules of keyword inheritance. Therefore you can format any message, as
long as you can derive it from some standard message. If you need to
generate a wiki update message, you can come up with a
_notice_update_wiki which is a derivate of _notice_update.

| *3) The Transport Layer
| *
| As has been mentioned Atom and RSS1.0 are two candidates, but so are many
| other transport layers, such as HTTP POST, XMPP, UDP, multicast, PSYC etc.

PSYC isn't just a transport layer. It models multicast, subscriptions,
trust and has extensible message structures. That's why you wouldn't
typically do RDF on top of it if there are more powerful native ways
to do things. But ways to regenerate RDF out of PSYC can be created.

There once was a working group on "binary XML." It didn't come up with
a format but it created a wishlist of things binary XML should be able
to do. PSYC does a lot of that, so you can think of it as binary XML,

___ psyc:// ___ irc:// ___
___ xmpp:address@hidden ____ _____

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