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Re: [Tinycc-devel] modern c++ compiler written in C

From: u-tcc-uepj
Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] modern c++ compiler written in C
Date: Thu, 14 May 2015 13:06:31 +0200

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 01:10:35PM +0300, Sergey Korshunoff wrote:
> As an educational task I will try to port long_long changes to
> the v1 compiler. What I dislike in the this version: a compiler don't
> put any attension to the functions declarations. For example, it
> assumes some standard functions are returning void. And any changes in
> the header files don't help.

It is the modern C headers, including the libc ones, where "long long"
comes from. I would expect lots of other breakage against the older
cfront version too. Anyway, good luck.

> PS:  I don't think g++ sources are the place where a c++ internals can
> be easyly studied.

I would not expect well defined "c++ internals" to exist, there is a
language specification and there are different compilers, with probably
quite different internals, given the complexity of the language.

> And size of the open-watcom-v2/bld/plusplus/ is 7 Mb. This is much
> more then 2.5 Mb of the cfront-1.0

Btw openwatcom license seems to be no less a minefield than cfront.
I feel more free and confident playing with cfront than I would be if I
did the same with watcom.


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