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Re: Formatting DocBookXML with Lout / Latin-1 and Latin-2

From: Yves Forkl
Subject: Re: Formatting DocBookXML with Lout / Latin-1 and Latin-2
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 21:40:46 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080306)


How can I trick Lout into putting these Latin-2
characters into the PS as well? (Change the font, the encoding? Do I
need to acquire additional fonts which I would need to embed when
generating PDF?)

That may be doable, but requires hackery.

[long and detailed explanations skipped]


OK, maybe that would be the right (or generic) way to do it.

But in my case (I'm using the Times font family), the hint that I got from Michael Piotrowksi in the meantime seems to work quite well, while being much simpler by several dimensions:


@SysInclude {latin2}

at the document beginning and then writing, e.g.,

{TimesCE Base} @Font address@hidden ccaron}ek}

to produce the (Czech) name for the CARON that here combines with the c.

The 00README file in Lout's system font directory seems to allude to this possibility as well, but I could not find any mention of this in the User's Guide or the Expert's Guide. (Some characters, like s with cedilla, however, don't come out in Times this way.)

This approach definitely must have some drawbacks, too. I'll be glad to learn about them.


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