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Re: [Gnumed-devel] 1.4.9 inability to select unsigned results to sign

From: Busser, Jim
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] 1.4.9 inability to select unsigned results to sign
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 00:12:55 +0000

On 2014-12-11, at 2:32 PM, Karsten Hilbert <address@hidden> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 07:25:06PM +0000, Jim Busser wrote:
>>> Certainly, but panels will "only" be seen upon selection in
>>> the measurements plugin. I am thinking of "super-relevant"
>>> measurements which the user may want to keep in view "all the
>>> time", such as BP / weight in a GP office.
>> Currently, my Overview plugin ...  Measurements area shows
>>      Latest:
>> and it would seem to me that this would be the place (other than in the 
>> Measurements plugin itself) to 'program' (configure) further tests to be 
>> shown.
> I agree this area can be enhanced. However, this also only
> shows when the Overview plugin is in focus.
> I am thinking more like "I want to see these measurements at
> all times regardless of the plugin in focus":
>       Say, a nephrologist wants to always see BP, Crea, BUN, GFR.
>       A GP wants INR (if on VitKInhibs), BP, weight, blood sugars (if 
> diabetic), GFR, EDC.
>       Obs/Gyn always wants EDC, LMP, parity.
>       Surgeon wants Leukocytes, CRP, PTT, INR, platelets.
> But maybe this use case doesn't exist ?
> If it does -- where to put it ?
> A third line in the top panel ?

I will assume (until told otherwise) that we are so far limiting this to values 
all of which are measurements, including for example EDC and Parity.

Currently, the places where data elements are displayed (or summarized) include:
1) in their plugins,
2) in the Overview, and
3) in the Header (which includes Name, DOB, Sex, Allergy Status, Encounter

I am having a hard time to see why to be displaying favourite measurements 
information anywhere other than:

        - in the Overview plugin … Measurements area
        - in the Measurements plugin

both of which could auto-open with whatever has been configured to be the 
"Overview panel"

-- Jim

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