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Re: indentation

From: Joost Kremers
Subject: Re: indentation
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2021 08:42:43 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.5.12; emacs 27.2

On Wed, Apr 28 2021, wrote:
> Yes, it may be a bug/ feature of the F90 mode. But it got annoying only when 
> the
> electric mode was active, otherwise the formatting was controlable (e.g. by 
> tab
> key) and not disturbing. Look, when programming, one is often quite 
> concentrated
> and not keen on seeing lines skipping unexpectedly here and there.

The particular feature that the current line, i.e., the line on which one hits
RET, is re-indented, can be turned off by setting the variable
`electric-indent-inhibit` to `t`. (The name of this variable is somewhat
confusing, IMHO, because it suggests electric indent is inhibited altogether,
but in actual fact, as the doc string says, in inhibits *re*indentation).

With this feature turned off, which I find rather annoying myself,
electric-indent basically saves me from having to type TAB all the time. Even in
Python code, electric indent gets it right most of the time.

Joost Kremers
Life has its moments

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