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Re: [GNU Herds]: Nationality list translation

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: [GNU Herds]: Nationality list translation
Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2007 14:23:05 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

Nickolay V. Shmyrev wrote:
> Is it a good idea to translate nationality? There are grammatical
> problems. In Russian, for example it depends on gender - Русский или
> Русская or, more correctly Россиянин/Россиянка. So you have to create
> some framework to get gender in translation. If we are talking about
> citizenship it's much easier just to mention country.

Yes, we are talking about citizenship.

As you advice, the project was using the country-name as nationality-text up 
to some days ago. We are changing it due to a user reported that using the 
country-name was a bug. Such user wrote:
  "Nationality seems to list countries and not nationalities!"

IMHO we do not have to create any framework to get gender in translation, due 
to the webapp use the nationality-text only at the nationality ComboBox (to 
edit it) and as text tag, as the below one, (to show it):

  "Nationality: Russian"

I think the Spanish language has the same 'problem' than the the Russian one 
about the gender subject. That is to say, the translation of this Spanish 
word depend on gender too:

  Spanish = Español, -la.   ('Español' or 'Española')

  Reference, , official Spanish dictionary:

As Spanish translator, I added both words to the Spanish nationality 
translation. It is what the official Spanish dictionary does.  Others just 
choose to translate nationalities to the male word. I am not sure if Klaus, 
who is the German translator, has taken such 'strategy'. Klaus translated:

  Spanish = Spanien

I do not know yet what the Portuguese translator will do:

  Spanish = Espanhol, -la.   ??? ???

I think that for the Russian you could translate it as below, but I am not 

  aaaa = Россиянин/Россиянка

> Also it is very close and easy to mix with ethnic nationality where you
> come into mine field of minority nations.

The GNU Herds project has taken the 'decision' to only list nationalities 
internationally recognized. That is to say, nationalities which are directly 
related to countries internationally recognized, not adding ethnic 
nationalities, etc.  Anyway, as usual, the project must be open to discuss 
this and any other subject!

If there is a problem with the current countries and nationalities list we 
should fix it, but it is not the main task now.

I think we should heard the Loreto's and Klaus' opinion about all this subject 
due to:
  * Loreto is the Gnome Portuguese translator.
  * Klaus has already translated the nationality list to German.

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