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Re: [Mldonkey-users] eMule Mod to emulate mldonkey

From: Michael Panteleit
Subject: Re: [Mldonkey-users] eMule Mod to emulate mldonkey
Date: 08 Jan 2003 10:15:45 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Common Lisp)

Stephane Goulet <address@hidden> writes:

> Indeed, since it's easy to fake a mldonkey client.. we really should have a
> more complex mldonkey authentification scheme,

I don't want to hide. This is a peer to peer network and we should
behave like friends not like enemies who need to spy and disguise
ourself. Even if emule should not behave like this I believe we

> favorising mldonkeys since they are good sharers,

Yes, how easy it is: mldonkey are the good boys and the emulers just
stink and should be completely banned. I'm sick of this
prejudice. Your stats may show emules don't give much to others, but
other stats (including mine) show this isn't true. From my pov
mldonkey is the big leecher. 

That emulers don't give as much as their share of clients in total has
in my opinion a different reason. Most big releaser surley share with
edonkeys. On sharereactor releases I get vast amounts of d/l from

> Friends favorising looks good to me.. 

Favorising anyone in a peer to peer network sounds evil to me. If you
want to trade with your "friends" find some other possibility.

> Mldonkey 2.0 identifies itself by having some specific values in the client
> md4 (has this improved??)

Why should it be improved and in what manner? Please don't do what one
guy here called "guerilla technique". I don't want to fight, I want to
participate in a network.

I'm getting really sick of this whole bitching and fighting and
mldonkey plays a lead role. If this continues I have to look for
another way to connect to the eDonkey network.


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